Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fine Arts in college

Image result for ArtWell guess what?  Yesterday I was admitted to Seward County Community College.  I was happy to see the letter.  Now can study for a major I really love and enjoy doing.  I'm going to be close to my friends and family in my community.  Well Fine Arts in college sounds fun and exciting.  I finally spoke to the art teacher and he said, "don't let people let you think different about art and what major you love because you love something truly, your hard work is going to pay off and you live happy with a job that contains art and making the dollars is what you put in your time to work hard".  Well college is not far away from now only 3 months of summer break and back to something you love.  I'm going meet different people at college and that would be a good thing to meet new faces.  In college am going to study graphic design and virtual art.  Later when i'm done with my major I would be design movie cartoons and my cartoon would be acting in movies.  Art is my life and basketball.  Well I'm kind of not ready for college right now but i'm going to prepare myself for something big in life.  A lot motivation is the key to success.

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