Thursday, May 7, 2015


Shading in a picture makes the picture standout and gives it POP! There's several shading types you can do there's light shading to heavy shading but there's pencil shading you can you use it makes art easy and fun.  Shading the corners of a picture is like seeing your shadow on the ground that how shading works its the darkness of the picture or figures on your paper.  Using the shading can be messy because the shade can smear everywhere so you have to be careful.  Shading can be easy if you practice a lot.  You can use napkin to help you shade in the small space you cant with your pencil or finger.  Well that my recommend to use a napkin.  Your shade you do on the picture make your picture a real life picture.  Shading is the easy thing to do in art it can leave a mess behind but its fixable with a easer.  Don't give up your shading cause your shading can look beast and you would love to shading on every picture you draw.  Make sure you buy the shading pencils because they help so much and you don't have to keep using your regular pencil you use at school.  The pencils don't really cost to much, but if your artsiest you can the expenses ones.  Shade your brains out and practice so much on your shading and you'll see improvement with all your time you take in it.  So don't give up on drawing because its fun and exciting.

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