Monday, May 11, 2015

Being the Artist

Being the Artist is really hard job to able to draw a real life picture that look almost like a photo you take of someone.  The Artist is not just a Artist there a normal person that practice their own time to paint or draw.  Being a Artist can be hard at the start, have to learn all the basic about art.  Starting the job at school or a studio can be very scary because a whole of students ready to learn about art and your there to teach them the basic and teach them how to paint or draw with high excitement.  Your working in the studio drawing a picture for a movie and the job is on your hand so the movie can sell a lot tickets and you get credit for your character that you drew so it can be in a movie.  That some work there.  Artist are amazing people that come to painting, drawing, designing stuff with there hands.  Don't give up on your dreams that you desire the most.  Keeping going forward with your dreams because your hard work will pay off like seriously it will pay off your bills and other stuff.  YOU the only that can do the hard work and never look back.  Being the Artist started just like you if your starting to draw and working up to your dream job.  So don't give up.  Mistakes will happen to anyone so don't let anyone tell you that your different to others and just be you and your art.

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