Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Water painting

Art today is not only pencil or paint there one thing that's really cool is water painting.  Water painting can be messy and fun but it can be hard to mix color.  Tomorrow I'm going start my water painting project.  I hope I do good because the practice was messy and fun.  People around world are beast with water painting.  Some day I'm going to be awesome water painter.  You should try water painting cause I promise you, you'll be amazed. Check out this link for beginners. Enjoy the video. :) That video is for beginners only to understand the type of water painting and type of brushes you use during water painting.  Practicing with water colors will help you with your other projects you need.  Water coloring is my hardest thing to do in art right now because of the water it spread everywhere but its fun because you can mix so many colors with all the water.  Artist have a lot of experience with water because they can paint pictures like it was just the paint it self that makes the picture real.  I love painting like you like doing your stuff I just want to be the best artist I can in life.  I'm going to face the real world with thousand or more artist that are real good or beast.  Well I hope you enjoy my blog about Water painting and you thank you for your time and thoughts. Happy reading :) Water Painting is Awesome!!

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